Mobility vs. Flexibility

To get to the bottom of this question, it’s important to understand the difference between flexibility and mobility:

Flexibility is a muscle’s ability to lengthen passively, or without engagement. When you perform static (holding still) stretches using body weight, limb support, or props, you’re working on muscular flexibility.

Mobility, on the other hand, is related to the joints and their ability to move actively through their full range of motion. Think of lifting your leg in the air to a 90-degree angle and bringing it back down again. That’s active mobility.

To have good mobility, you do need good flexibility.

You also need muscular strength and stability to actively manipulate the joints. Dynamic, moving stretches work on joint mobility by tackling flexibility, strength, and stability all at once.

An easy way to test the difference between flexibility and mobility in your own body is to raise your knee toward your chest. Your hip mobility is defined by how far your knee travels without assistance.

Then place your hands on your knee, and actively pull it closer to your chest. This stretch shows your overall flexibility in the hip.

Benefits of mobility

May prevent injury

Studies have shown that range of motion in the joints and injury risk are directly related.

By incorporating dynamic stretches instead of static, you’ll activate and strengthen all the muscles needed to move a joint through its range of motion. This creates muscle balance and reduces the risk of injury.

According to Kelsey Drew, a physiotherapist from Tower Physio, “The static versus dynamic question is always controversial, and depends on one’s intended outcome — but, based on the most recent research available, I’m in the camp of dynamic stretching.”

Drew goes on to explain that the research is still out on whether dynamic stretching can actually prevent injury. However, she always recommends dynamic stretches.

“Static stretching as a warmup before activity has actually shown to impair explosive muscle activity, so it could be really detrimental if you’re doing any sprinting or competitive sports,” she says.

Improve posture

If you experience immobility in the joints, your posture can suffer. Several studies have linked postural imbalance with a lack of joint mobility. Essentially, without strong muscles around the joints, it’s difficult to maintain good posture.

One study found that pelvis mobility may be linked to healthy spinal posture. Another study found that hip immobility can affect the natural curvature of the lumbar spine.

This leads to common postural problems like slouched shoulders, an arched spine, and a compressed neck. Poor posture can lead to chronic aches and pains in the lower back, neck, and shoulders.

By incorporating dynamic stretches for joint mobility in your routine, you’ll encourage better natural posture, and reduce the number of aches and pains you feel on a daily basis.

Increase ease of movement

Joint mobility is responsible for the control and coordination of some of our basic, everyday movements.

If you experience poor mobility, you may find it difficult to complete daily movements. This is because a lack of joint mobility makes active movements difficult to complete without discomfort.

By working on mobility, you can train your muscles to be flexible enough to grab that plate that’s just out of reach, or extend your arm above your head to get to the top shelf in the kitchen.

May reduce stress

You might think that static stretches like a forward fold or half-split stretch would have a meditative effect on the mind. Surprisingly, it turns out that the effects of dynamic movements are more powerful.

A recent practice called sophrology claims that a mixture of techniques, including dynamic movements, meditation, mindfulness, and breathing, can help reduce stress.

Physical independence

As the body ages, it’s natural for joint mobility to weaken. Eventually, the joints can become so restricted that everyday movements like walking, standing, and holding objects becomes difficult without assistance.

The sooner you start working on your mobility, the better. The natural mobility of the joints begins to deteriorate at around 30 years old. By incorporating mobility training in your routine now, you might be able to prolong your physical independence.

Greater flexibility

If you’re still keen on improving your flexibility, mobility exercises can help you reach your goals.

Working on the splits? Try some active dynamic stretches to mobilize and open the hip joints. You’ll find it much easier next time you slide down into a straddle when your hips have a greater range of natural motion.