Moving Through the Day with More Ease

You may ask how to ease up your day. Let me tell my latest story.

In recent times, I’ve found myself engaging in a multitude of video conversations with enthusiastic individuals eager to be part of my Systema 9 Step programme. Initially, this was a draining experience, leaving me feeling quite spent.

During a reflective conversation with my Zen mentor, we delved into the dynamics of exerting too much effort during these sessions, which often led to a sense of tension, as opposed to adopting a more laid-back approach that allowed for breathing space. Embracing this latter method introduced a greater sense of ease into the process.

This shift in approach has been remarkably beneficial, and as a result, I now navigate my daily activities with an increased sense of ease. The days seem to unfold more smoothly, and there’s a lightness to my steps.

The core concept here is simple: rather than approaching tasks with a tight grip and a furrowed brow, why not ease up and approach them with a sense of relaxation? This slight adjustment in attitude can make a world of difference.

Why not put this into practice this very moment? Take a moment to tune into your body, identify any areas of tension, draw in a deep breath, and as you exhale, envision the tension dissolving. Strive for a state of ease, tranquillity, and openness. It may require some persistence, but it’s common for us to carry tension without even realising it.

If we can cultivate a mindset of ease, avoiding the trap of over-engagement in our tasks, we’ll find that our daily grind becomes more serene. By day’s end, we’re likely to feel rejuvenated rather than depleted.

Facing an hour-long video call? There’s no need for concern; view it as an opportunity for a pleasant, easy-going interaction with a remarkable individual.

Confronted with a barrage of messages and tasks? No issue there – tackle each one with focused care, giving it your undivided attention, all the while maintaining a relaxed stance towards the work at hand.

Take on tasks sequentially. Devote your full attention and care to each task, conversation, or message. Maintain an easeful, serene disposition as you progress through each.

One additional aspect that aids me significantly is the ability to draw nourishment from my surroundings. Whether I’m outdoors, caught in a whirlwind of tasks, or simply taking in the natural world, I allow myself to be replenished by it. I bask in the presence of those around me, or I contemplate the individuals I’m assisting through my tasks, and this sense of connection fills me with joy. Finding nourishment in both the ordinary and the extraordinary aspects of life ensures that we don’t become overwhelmed by our responsibilities.

Lastly, embracing a sense of gratitude for the mere fact of being alive acts as a balm. So, let’s remember, infusing our lives with a touch of ease can indeed carry us a great distance.

move with ease, Practise every day

How would you like to move through the day with more ease? Try it today, and bring curiosity for what that might be like.